Friday, October 23, 2009

NaNoWriMo Preparations Part 1


Okay, I'll admit it. I'm on the verge of giddy in anticipation of National Novel Writing Month this year. A little apprehensive as well. NaNoWriMo was such an exhilarating experience in 2008. I want to have the same fun, freeing, and fantastic experience this season.

To that end, I'm doing a few things to prepare. Take a look at my list and see if any of them strikes you as helpful.

1. Reading. I've done some market research by diving into a half dozen current books in my selected genre. Stephen King's 'On Writing' is being savored once more. In a few days, I'll pick up my copy of "No Plot, No Problem" to amp up to November 1st. If you are a writer and haven't read either of these books, remedy that by clicking on the link to the right and getting your own copy. Every writer should have a copy of "On Writing." It is simply the best. R-rated for language, but you knew that about Stephen King anyway, right?

2. Cleaning house. I hate cleaning house, but I love living and working in a tidy, clutter-free, and well decorated space. I'm doing some clutter busting, especially in the kitchen and my writing spaces. If I clean well now, I can ignore vacuuming, dusting, and mopping until December 1, don't you think?

A corollary to this is cleaning out my computer. My poor Traveller (my laptop's name) is packed to the gills with photos, writing, forms, brochures, good stuff and junk. The Pilot Guy and I think my hard drive in on it's last legs. If I get myself in gear, I can transfer my data and get the new drive installed. If not, I'll tidy up in here and defrag so I get the best performance possible.

Grabbing any supplies is a good idea, too. Paper, pens, pencils, white board markers, file folders and disks for backing up every day...lay in your supply now.

More to come in my next post.....

will you be NaNoing this year?

How are you prepping?

3 Other Creative Souls are Saying:

Joanne said...

I'm shocked that your supply list did not include chocolate...hmmm. Better check that list again.

I have my "No Plot, No Problem" book at the ready.

If you run out of stuff to clean, c'mon over.....

This is going to be a blast - I think I have a better feel for the pace,etc.

Good luck - hey, Halloween candy is on sale. Stock up. J

Paula said...

My prep has included the return of insomnia. It's not so fun now, but in November I'll be grateful for quiet 3am writing sessions.

I've also been watching a few movies about writers. Finding Neverland was last week, this week is Stranger than Fiction.

Our kickoff party is Saturday, I'm getting giddy too.

Cathe said...

Okay... I wrote an outline and a plot and invented my characters. Most of the outline so far is the history that takes place before the "plot" begins. I am still not sure I will do this. I just don't get enough computer time. We only have one computer and DH uses it for school. So I am tentatively "in", but don't go around telling people!